miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013


Step 1: Insert BJT transistor in the protoboard
Step 2: check with the datasheet wich one E:Emisor B:Bass C:Collector
Step 3: connect the ground in the protoboard
Step 4: brown,black,yellow. Put the resistor of 100K linking the emisor and the base.
Step 5:insert the LED( checking polarity of linking the collector)
Step 6: red,red,brown. Insert the resistor of 230 ohmios between the LED and the VCC in the protoboard.
Step 7:brown,black,red. Insert the resistor of 1K in the protoboard one pin linked to the VCC.
Step 8: connect the wire working as probe in the resistor of 1K.
Step 9: connect the battery to VCC and ground in the protoboard.

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